Indigenous Student Recruitment Data Portal
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences - Underserved Communities Task Force
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Rural eMentoring
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Welcome to the Indigenous Student Recruitment Data Portal

As part of its 2017-2022 Strategic Plan, the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences aims to improve its support for underserved communities.

This portal will serve as a repository for data for the Faculty's Underserved Communities Task Force (UCTF). This data can be used to:

  • Identify underserved communities across British Columbia.
  • Locate schools with high levels of Indigenous enrolment.
  • Assess existing connections between the Faculty and underserved communities.

To learn more about the Faculty's integrated approach to underserved communities, please consult the Catalyst for Change: 2017-2022 Strategic Plan.

Note about data quality

Although the datasets presented here provide the best available coverage for British Columbia, they should not be considered exhaustive. Furthermore, some entries may be incomplete or inaccurate.

Total enrolment
Map Leaflet, © OpenStreetMap contributors